Good evening drifters, Another update, fixing a bunch of bugs in races and adding yet more of the main city area to drive around. Have fun! Drift King - Changel...
Hey all, another update! In this one, we have a lot of new terrain and a more fleshed out docks area, we're finally approaching the full extents of our planned...
Updating to Unity 2021.3.44f introduced some unexpected bugs in networking, please download the latest 0.11 hotfix if you're having issues with garages and even...
Another one! The Magic Flip Stunt System (the one that makes sure the car always lands on its wheels) now prefers completing a flip if given enough time, and if...
Those of you who have been patiently waiting for a Drift King update, rejoice! This update includes a refreshed visual aesthetic, replacing the longstanding fla...
Hey all, sorry for the lack of updates, one week off for skiing turned into three weeks of COVID, but we're back, once again! To make it up to you, here is a ne...
To start off this deep dive I want to ask you two questions, when was the last time you raced an AI in a game? Now, when was the last time you raced an AI that...
Drift on, drift 'til you drop, be the envy of Glandeen the Drift Pig himself. Introducing the most sophisticated drift racing AI ever developed, coming straight...