Alpha v0.3 released!


Another year gone, and a bunch more stuff added! I only work on this on weekends (but that may change soon) but I hope you enjoy what I have for you so far

  • Entirely reworked drift model, now rewards you for driving sideways, without being too slidey/slow/unresponsive. Driving a geometric racing line is 10-20% slower!
  • A few more events
  • A new vehicle, based on the Lamborgini Countach!
  • Triple the visual customisation options, and now they are discrete named options with set rarities (will be given out in later events, for now you can use any that you want)
  • Rewritten sound engine, more sounds everywhere and car engine noises are a bit smoother and with correct pitch
  • Considerably more city detail, more roads, most sections are reaching final polish level - 20% overall world completion
  • Added Crystal's House
  • Added Joey Wheeler's Dealership
  • Reworked point scoring, with score tiers and highlights
  • Automatic AI level scaling
  • Tutorial is now device specific, automatically switches to active input device
  • More music added, the final mountain track and the final circuit track now have new songs
  • New pause menu


Drift King - PC v0.3 186 MB
Dec 21, 2022

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